Azawakh Idi! Idi! Idi! Is a blog about Azawakh, a West African hound; about the preservation of the Azawakh; of endangered animals; of our right to own animals; of the functionality and working character of dogs; of health, of spirituality and of beautiful things.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
North Carolina: NO To Senate Bill 460
Senate Bill 460 will be considered by the North Carolina Senate Commerce Committee on Thursday, April 30. Details are as follows:
DATE: Thursday, April 30, 2009TIME: 9:00 AM - Please plan to be arrive no later than 8:30AM, dressedin professional attire. LOCATION: Room 1027, Legislative Building, 16 W. Jones Street, RaleighNC 27601 All concerned responsible dog breeders and owners in North Carolina are encouraged to attend the hearing on Thursday in opposition to the bill. We need to show strong opposition to SB 460. While attendees will notbe able to speak in opposition, NUMBERS MATTER! If you are unable to attend, please call or e-mail the members of the committee and ask themto oppose SB 460. For more information on SB 460, including committee member contact information, click here. For a helpful phone script to use when calling in opposition to SB 460,click here.
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What Is An Azawakh?
Click Photo For Link To Answer!
Amassakoul: Blog Theme Song
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Search bar is at page bottom. Azawakh Puppy Puppies Breeder Sand Sahel Sahara Desert Mali Burkina Faso Niger West Africa Taidit Hanshee K'nai Tamazight Tifanagh Kel Tamasheq Touareg Kabyle Nomad Guard Camp Stock Herd Retriever Field Trial Hunt Packe Ihn Körung Schutzhund Fuß Voraus Suchen Track Bomb Drug Photo Picture Image
Known in their countries of origin as the Aidi Kel Tamasheq, dogs from the clans of the Tamasheq speaking people. Also known as Aidi n'Ailluli, noble dogs of the free people, they are an ancient race of dogs. Indigenous to the Sahelian desert of West Africa, they are primarily camp guards for the Tuaregs and secondarily hunters, and of course, they are prized as companions.
About The Author: A.D.Tony Parsons OAM The Kelpie by Tony Parsons ISBN-13:9780670073597, Published 30th August, 2010...
More About Me
If I speak my mind, I'm a bitch, or a control freak, or both. If I don't say anything, I'm passive aggressive. If I dress up, I'm conceited. If I cry, I'm a drama queen. If I have male friends, I'm a ho. If I'm gay, it's a sin. If I defend myself, I lack self esteem. If I'm skinny, I'm on drugs. Since I'm smarter than you, I must be crazy. If you can't get used to me, then get lost.
This blog came to be as an aftermath to California Assembly Bill 1634 and the November, 2008 election. Now we are on 13th version of the same, morphed into AB 241 and SB 250.
Preservation. Preservation of the rights bestowed upon us by our Constitution.To bear arms.
Zipmarc P.I.N.K. Vodka "Stoli"
Preservation of our right to own property.
Angus vom Reisfeld
Hail Call All Dog Owners
This blog is also about the preservation of our right to breed animals without governmental intervention.
John Garcia & Grando
"We dog owners have buried our heads in the sand. We are the silent majority of America and our silence has furthered the interests of the tiny minority of animal rights fanatics. In every poll on dog ownership issues, we outnumber animal rights extremists five to one, yet our voices are not being heard. If we don’t stand up together and fight back now, all will be lost. In unity is strength. Divided, we lose. We either hang together or we're finished. Get it?"
Grando & Jim Dobbs
It is also about the preservation of an exquisitely beautiful animal, the idi of Sahel, likely to become extinct without some effort on our part.
Known outside Africa as the Azawakh (perhaps even misnamed?), a limited number are being bred. Some are even shown in Europe, and somewhat in the United States.
What I want to do is help, in a small way, preserve a wider base genepool of these incredible animals as they still exist in the Sahelian desert. Perhaps the distinction is semantics, perhaps not, but in my eyes, there appears to be a chasm between what it has become in Europe, and what it is originally.
Biting controversy in the butt regards, as always, yours truly....
Iferouâne's Dam
Iferouâne Idiiyat-es-Sahel is the birth name of my taidit. In Tamasheq it means wings.
She is named after Iferouâne, an oasis town in northern Niger, West Africa, about 1,000 km (620 miles) north of the Niger capital, Niamey. Just northwest of Arlit, capital of the Arlit Department in the Agadez Region, Iferouâne is located in the Ighazar Valley of the Sahelian belt, near the Tamgak Range. It is the gateway to the spectacular volcanic Aïr Massif mountains, which rises 2,000 meters from the desert floor.
Iferouâne's Grand Dam
Aïr Massif Mountains
Il Tomba Doucement
Il ne cria pas. Il tomba doucement comme tombe un arbre. Ça ne fit même pas de bruit, à cause du sable.
The excerpt from Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been archived to the 01/11/2009 blog post.
Tahr Bull Himalayan
Dare Me
Abyssinian Cat
Click On Image For Aby Rescue Site
Kevin Howell
Sheep Dog Training Clinic
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. ~ Albert Einstein
Monkeys Flinging Poo
More Circular Logic
You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened ...or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on. ~ Kandi Jacopino
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