Monday, August 17, 2009

Bianca's Growing Up!

Bianca came home for a short visit. She is now 4-1/2 months old. At the bottom is an image of Bianca when I got her at the end of April. She was left with her dead sibling on the back door mat at somebody's farm house in the middle of the night. All of maybe 7 days old or less. It was 38 degrees F (3 degrees C) that morning I got the call.

1 comment:

  1. while I am not really a cat person... I AM A PERSON WHO FEELS PROPER CARE IS A MUST for all God's creature - they are innocent and without blame when we humans put them in positions of neglect - GOOD ON YA - THANK YOU FOR RESCUING BIANCA
    Andra - I just rescued a tiny kitten hangin out by my window ALL NIGHT DRIVING THE HOUNDS NUTS... she is now my mom's second cat (first was a rescue from my nephew with 6 kittens found in a bag on a stairwell in their apartment) so Bela and newly adopted Amber are doing fantastic!


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